Monday, July 7, 2014

VIST 305 - 'Geo-Lusions' Final Render

Te presentamos: GEO-LUSIONS, a projection mapping animated magic show.

This footage was mapped onto a flat screen with a 3D geometric shape. The projected image had to be mapped to compensate for the projector's height and angle.

The maddest of props to Stephen Swirsky for his awesome comp work -  he had the very meticulous job of transitioning each illusion (rendered in Maya, Blender, and After Effects) into one seamless whole. At times the work required him matching two shots pixel-by-pixel so they would blend well.

Besides general motivation and morale-boosting comic relief, I did rigging, animation, lighting, and surfacing for all the sequences done in Autodesk Maya: the shape opening up, flying around in space, then closing. I did lighting and surfacing on the finale with the black hole and the Tron-like geometric environment.